Sunday 22 December 2013

The French Toast Mafia - The beginning

The Wings Of Hope Charity is an organisation that helps poor or orphaned children by providing them with a free education. These children are based in developing countries such as India or Malawi.

We began our adventure when a lady from the organisation came in and gave us a short presentation about WOHAA. At the end, I decided that there was no chance I was going to miss this offer to get out and do something other than sitting on the sofa watching Atlantis or Glee (Despite my love for it).

A week later, we had a group of 6 eager girls (Fizz, Grace, LiAnn, Saara, Shivani and Viuna) and two weeks after, we were already brainstorming activities we could do. However, most of them were slightly out of reach as we forgot we were broke - something I was getting straight A's in. None of us were millionaires and we reminded ourselves to keep it realistic, something that I find pretty difficult along with others.

Let's put all that boring stuff aside now, shall we? And now we move onto what we do in Wohaa. We have until March 31st to do all the knitty-gritty work and raise as much as we can for a chance to fly to India to help out in one of their schools. After all that is done with, the semi-finalists will be selected to go to the House of Lords and deliver a short presentation. finally, in May/June, the awards ceremony will be held.

We are looking forward to complete all of our fundraising ideas within the time of three weeks. This blog will be where we post all of our videos, pictures, events and if you're reading this, our group and lots of less fortunate children would appreciate any donations or sponsors, even if it's a small one

By Fizz ;)

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